Monday, 12 November 2012


A laptop will be an important feature in showing the girl's obssesion with the satanic symbol. As she will go home and explore it further well into the early hours of the night until she eventually falls asleep. I will then take a close up shot of the laptop after she has fallen asleep to show what she has been researching confirming to the audience that she is obbessed by the symbol.

I will need something heavy enough to throw in a river that will create a big enough splash so it sounds like someone has been pushed in. Like a fallen branch for example.

A mirror will be used to show the girl admiring her 'new' found self. It will emphasise her transformation. The shot of her admiring herself will emphasise her new sexual confidence which will be an important feature in the narrative as she suduces most of her victims so this draws attention to her change in confidence.

In order to create a fire or imply that a fire has been started I will need a lighter or box of matches for the girl to drop while her friend is stuck in the woods. Fire signals danger and death especially because of the situation it is being used in the audience will immediately consider it a threat.

I will use a candle to signify the loss of her original personality as I plan to show it being blown out as the 'demon' enters the room. Blowing out a candle represents loss of life it could also signfy God or anything good being eradicated as in church there is a candle that constantly burns to represnts God's presence in the church. It is a red candle and I also hope to use a red candle to make the link to the candle in the church. Red also is a very conventional colout to use in horror films as they represent blood, death and danger.

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