As seen in the table below the Horror genre appeals to a very niche market meaning that the target audience is not very wide as it only holds under five percent of market share. However this will make it easier to tailor my products to their specific needs as they have a clearer view of what they want because they can't find the films they like to watch with too much ease, unlike romances for example, because they have expections of a set of conventions within the film. If they do not find these conventions they will move on to find another film. This will mean that my target audience will enjoy watching films and reading reviews about films on a regular basis because they have a clear view of the codes and conventions of horror. They will be highly interested in the genre of horror and go out of their way to go see a new horror film that has come out in cinemas or will know about films that haven't even been released in cinemas. They will also have a clear view of what sub-genre appeals to them most and will be able to tell what conventions make up each different sub-genre. As well as liking horror films they have an interest in other films and will also spend time watching comedy, romances, etc.

I am aiming my products at a market aged fifteen to twenty-three females as my narrative will appeal to them more as they will generally be in a form of education either in sixth form or university (students). They could study any topic or course but they will most likely involve some form of creativity as they will enjoy using their imagination which is why horror films appeal to them because it caters to their want for the weird and wonderful. My narrative is very relevant to their own lives creating more interest in the film itself as they will want to see how it ends or how the protagonist is defeated as it is now a possibility it could happen to them. Therefore making the idea of the story seem more realistic leading to a heightened sense of fear. The characters in the narrative will relate strongly to my Target audience. They will be inquisitive and independent with a passion for knowledge. They will also be laid back with their friends and rarely get into arguments with them but instead create harmony within their group of friends. She will have many friends but will only keep a select few close to her heart meaning that she has people around her that care for her and will notice a drastic change in her personality. She may not be interested in boys or a relationship but has not ruled out the opposite sex completely and often has 'girly' talks with her peers about boys.
My products are aimed at households that have an average income so they have a comfortable life style and are able to treat themselves to cinema tickets every so often but they wont buy them everyday. They will also have enough income to spend on other luxuries such as film magazine subscriptions. However as a majority of my targeted age group will still be living at home with family so they may be funded by their parents or have a part-time job meaning that their funds will be limited.
Overall the main type of person I will be targeting will be very adventerous so will have an a big appetite for trying out new situations whether it be what they order at a restaurant or even the restaurant they chose. Their adventurous streaks means they like trying out new ideas whether they are accompanied by their friends or on their own. They do not mind doing things by themselves as they are quite independent shown in their interest in a less popular genre of film.
As their preference of film will be horror they will have to have quite an inquisitive mind in order to seek out these type of films that portray things that are generally unknown/undiscovered. The fact that they seek these films could also mean that they are seeking a resolution to the problem presented, for example, how to overcome a supernatural force. Also in order to comprehend the concepts in horror films they would have to have an open-mind. This will help them believe that this could happen in reality therefore making the film more terrifying as it could possible happen to them. This also means they will be able to accept the narratives and charcters of a supernaturual horror as reality and will therefore be more scared of them.
The target audience will love watching something that will provoke their curiosity or leave them with an indefinite resolution to the problem such as Paranormal Activity because they are set in a normal household making them feel uncomfortable as it could happen in their own home and it also leaves the audience with enough information to be curious but not enough for them to understand what is fully going on. The film will also have to cause a certain level of adrenaline to rush through them as they enjoy the thrill. They seek the thrill of the unknown.
Overall the main type of person I will be targeting will be very adventerous so will have an a big appetite for trying out new situations whether it be what they order at a restaurant or even the restaurant they chose. Their adventurous streaks means they like trying out new ideas whether they are accompanied by their friends or on their own. They do not mind doing things by themselves as they are quite independent shown in their interest in a less popular genre of film.
As their preference of film will be horror they will have to have quite an inquisitive mind in order to seek out these type of films that portray things that are generally unknown/undiscovered. The fact that they seek these films could also mean that they are seeking a resolution to the problem presented, for example, how to overcome a supernatural force. Also in order to comprehend the concepts in horror films they would have to have an open-mind. This will help them believe that this could happen in reality therefore making the film more terrifying as it could possible happen to them. This also means they will be able to accept the narratives and charcters of a supernaturual horror as reality and will therefore be more scared of them.
The target audience will love watching something that will provoke their curiosity or leave them with an indefinite resolution to the problem such as Paranormal Activity because they are set in a normal household making them feel uncomfortable as it could happen in their own home and it also leaves the audience with enough information to be curious but not enough for them to understand what is fully going on. The film will also have to cause a certain level of adrenaline to rush through them as they enjoy the thrill. They seek the thrill of the unknown.
Overall my target audience will be an average teenage girl who enjoys exploring all areas of life in her free time. She will be someone who is driven to be something great and has a firm hold on what is reality and how to go about achieving her dreams. She will interact with friends using social medias such as her mobile phone. She will regularily watch films but not neccesarily watch T.V series. She enjoys many types of films but prefers the thrill of a horror film. Watching horror films will then be her escape from the 'real world' giving her ideas about things out of the control of humans unlike the rest of her life which is controlled down to the last detail.
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