I have taken inspiration from the narratives of The
Fourth kind, Hannibal, Jennifer's Body and Sinister.
The Fourth Kind - The owl that reoccurs in the possessed peoples dreams is how I want the symbol to be. That it keeps reoccurring and almost haunting victims. it creates a sense that you cannot escape because as the character sees the owl they know what is happening to them but have no solution so almost wait for their deterioration to begin. However my main character won't know what is happening to her, she may even enjoy the change in her confidence levels
The demonic nature of Hannibal inspires my main characters 'second' personality
as she changes from sweet and innocent to demonic after being exposed to this
satanic symbol. I would like to in cooperate Hannibal's smug expression and over all auro of knowing something the audience and other chracters do not. This will create more mystery and make the audiecne want to find out what it is the main charcter knows.
Body - This film inspired me because it's about a group of teenagers
and one becomes possessed and begins preying on her friends at school which is like my own narrative. Some of
the shots in the forest also inspired me as i would like to have something
similar in my trailer.
Most shots during this scene are obstructed by trees and plants, this gives the scene a feeling of mystery, like something is being hidden away from the audience. It also makes the audience feel as if they are in the woods themselves watching the events taking place. This makes them feel more involved. I will use this technique in my trailer in order to achieve maximum audience satisfaction.
Sinister - The spirit that murders its victims
is seen in imagery and then later comes to terrorise its victims and wont leave them alone even when they try to run, also he posseses others to do his biding. This will be
like the symbol my character keeps seeing and the spirit attached to this symbol
will then possess her amd cause her to kill her friends and others.

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